
作者:张咏 朝代:南北朝诗人
Intelligent FlowerLantern FestivalZhou BangyanThe candle flames redden with the breeze;The lotus lanterns seem to freeze.The sky brightens the fair and the fair the sky.The titles are steeped in moonlightWhen fleecy clouds disperse in flight,The Moon Goddess would come down from on high.In elegant dress appearThe southern maidens tenderWith waist so slender.The drums boom far and near,The crowd's shadows rise and fall,Fragrance wafts over all.I remember the capital's lantern night:A thousand doors overwhelmed with light,People made merry in laughter.From golden cabs silk handkerchiefs *ped down,The gallants ran afterThe cabs as dim dust raised by steeds in the town.But years have passed,Now I see only for my partWith an unfeeling heartHow time flies fas(...)
huā jīng hán shí ,
fēi yún guò jìn ,
cóng “wǒ wén pí pá yǐ tàn xī ”dào zuì hòu de “jiāng zhōu sī mǎ qīng shān shī ”gòng èr shí liù jù wéi dì sì duàn ,xiě shī rén gǎn kǎi zì jǐ de shēn shì ,shū fā yǔ pí pá nǚ de tóng bìng xiàng lián zhī qíng 。jī jī :tàn xī shēng 。“tóng shì tiān yá lún luò rén ,xiàng féng hé bì céng xiàng shí 。”èr yǔ gǎn qíng nóng hòu ,luò qiān gǔ shī luò zhě zhī lèi ,yě wéi qiān gǔ shī luò zhě chù fā le yī jiàn qīng xīn zhī jī 。zì “wǒ cóng qù nián cí dì jīng ”qǐ yǐ xià shí èr jù ,xiě shī rén biǎn guān (...)
wén yì wǒ zài bàng wǎn shí fèn xīn qíng yù mèn ,yú shì qū chē lái dào jīng dōu zhǎng ān chéng dōng nán de lè yóu yuán 。zhī jiàn xī yáng fàng shè chū mí rén de (...)
“gāo biāo kuà cāng qióng ,liè fēng wú shí xiū (...)
Intelligent FlowerLantern FestivalZhou BangyanThe candle flames redden with the breeze;The lotus lanterns seem to freeze.The sky brightens the fair and the fair the sky.The titles are steeped in moonlightWhen fleecy clouds disperse in flight,The Moon Goddess would come down from on high.In elegant dress appearThe southern maidens tenderWith waist so slender.The drums boom far and near,The crowd's shadows rise and fall,Fragrance wafts over all.I remember the capital's lantern night:A thousand doors overwhelmed with light,People made merry in laughter.From golden cabs silk handkerchiefs *ped down,The gallants ran afterThe cabs as dim dust raised by steeds in the town.But years have passed,Now I see only for my partWith an unfeeling heartHow time flies fas(...)
huā jīng hán shí ,
fēi yún guò jìn ,





①诗作于康熙七年(1668),时作者游晋北。云州,唐地名,今山西大同市。诗写塞北秋日景象,寓情志于其中。 ②白草黄羊:(...)


张咏 张咏(946—1015)濮州鄄城人,字复之,号乖崖。太宗太平兴国五年进士。历太常博士、枢密直学士等职。出知益州,参与镇压李顺起事,对蜀民实行怀柔政策,恩威并用。真宗立,入拜御史中丞。又出知杭州、永兴军、益州、升州,所至有政绩。累进礼部尚书,上疏极论丁谓、王钦若大兴土木,致国库空虚,请斩之以谢天下。旋遭排挤出知陈州。卒谥忠定。平生以刚方自任,为政尚严猛,好慷慨大言。与寇准最善,每面折其过,虽贵不改。有《乖崖集》。



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